Senin, 12 Februari 2018

Often Farts, What Disease Signs?

Often Farts, What Disease Signs?


Jakarta, In recent years I love to experience bloating and farting Dock. I've heard normally fart in a day only twenty-five times. But I can do more than that Doc. I have never checked too. Is there anything wrong with my body or intestine Doc? The explanation is the formation of excess gas in the digestive tract and intestines, released through the anus. The main components of the fart are odorless gases, such as oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane. Most people produce gas alias fart 1-3 times per day, and in a day a total of about 14 times. If the fart more than 20 times per day then referred by some researchers as an excessive condition pathological alias. However, excessive gas or farting is rarely used by doctors or medical teams to describe a disease. Various medical literature suggests that farts are a symptom of various health diseases or problems, such as ovarian cancer, gastric acid deficiency, lactose intolerance, Crohn's disease , blastocytosis, Giardia, low digestive enzymes, digestive system disorders. To confirm the diagnosis, then of course should be checked to the doctor. Thus explanation of this, hopefully provide solutions.Dokter Dito Anurogo, author of 18 books, S-2 IKD Biomedical FK UGM Yogyakarta. (Hrn / vit)





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